Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What makes us tick?

Is Life a perpetual daily rush to work and back? Is Life getting stuck in traffic jams? Do we dictate what we do with our Life? Or do we just take what comes our way? How many of us are doing what we actually like, something we truly enjoy? Or are we just working to earn money? How important is money? Is it everything to us? Can we live Life without money? Can we be happy without money?
Of course we can't. Thru evolution of mankind, money has become very very important. Almost too important. Many a times money has become both the cause of happiness and sorrow, the reason to celebrate and to mourn. Money is the source of good and evil.
But nobody can live without money in the current world we live in. So, it is what we do with our money that counts, how we enjoy the fruits of our labour. Live the Life that we want. Enrich ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually.
Take a break, go on a vacation. Splurge on the latest handbags, watches or shoes. Update our wardrobes with the latest fashion. Get that new sporty convertible. Join the gym. Read a good book. Improve ourselves. Live our Lives!